Sunday, February 8, 2009


why i put the article's topic as "untitled"?
i dont know sudden appear on my mind,
i always fussy about wat title i should put as the topic for my article**??

i hv not been updated my blog after the CNY holidays^^
here,i would like to say something to our "beloved" monitor---
resh,very sorry that i didnt edit my blog in english yea!!^^

ya,sumtime i couldn't express my thought n some matter by using english...
i found that difficulty there,
hoping for u all understanding..

since the school reopening again after CNY,i had packed and fussed by everything!
meanwhile, i do really enjoy everyday either in school or tuition class...
i really cherish the moment i had with my classmate!!
i do really wondering with the form six school life that i ever had.!!

maths by Miss Khoo-------her voice really awesome!!!
chemistry by Puan Yen-------her"mono" tones make us zzZZZZ

here for my class 6AD and my classmate:
i really appreciate what u done for me at the moment we have,
except copying the homework(^^)
talk about gossip,lepak-ing everywhere,laugh aloud with each other,
make (fake=best )result for the experiment togerther,
haha!!we r the hopeless student in EC.....XD
(just kidding)

very tiring these few days...
fall sick again...cough,fever,flu,headache-------normal symptom..
hope can get well as fast as possible.....praying now ~~
my school's sport day and Chingay event will coming soon on this week~
of cos i will be duty for these two!!exciting now~~~